‘INFRASTRUCTURE, INEFFICIENT CUSTOMS PROCEDURES, NTBs UNDERMINE NON-OIL EXPORT’ ‘Infrastructure, inefficient customs procedures, NTBs undermine non-oil export’
LOCAL MANUFACTURING, KEY TO GROWTH OF CONSUMER SECTOR’ Local manufacturing, key to growth of consumer sector’
‘HOW NIGERIA CAN LEVERAGE $6.7TR HALAL MARKET FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVT’ ‘How Nigeria can leverage $6.7tr halal market for industrial devt’
FG PLANS TO DIGITALISE PUBLIC SECTOR, IMPROVE BUSINESS THROUGH TECHNOLOGIES FG plans to digitalise public sector, improve business processes through technologies
EXPERTS HARP ON LOCAL PRODUCTION FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH Experts harp on local production for economic growth
NAICOM IDENTIFIES NEED FOR REFORMS TO ADDRESS AFRICAN MARKET CHALLENGES NAICOM identifies need for reforms to address African market challenges
INVESTORS EARN N733 BILLION DIVIDENDS IN NINE MONTHS Investors earn N733 billion dividends in nine months
EXPERTS SEEK ENABLING ENVIROMENT TO GROW HOUSING SECTOR Experts seek enabling environment to grow housing sector
NIGERIANS TASKED ON GREEN TECHNOLOGY TO ACHIEVE SDGs Nigerians tasked on green technology to achieve SDGs
FG URGES UNDERWRITERS TO KEY INTO AFCFTA TO DRIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH FG urges underwriters to key into AfCFTA to drive economic growth