Specializing in biotechnology, the Zentech company is developing a serological test that has already proven itself in China. Very fast and reliable according to the CHU of Liège, it could prove to be decisive for the large-scale screening envisaged within the framework of a deconfinement strategy.

Specializing in biotechnology, the Zentech company is developing a serological test that has already proven itself in China. Very fast and reliable according to the CHU of Liège, it could prove to be decisive for the large-scale screening envisaged within the framework of a deconfinement strategy.

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In its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization has chosen Liège airport, alongside seven other airports around the world. For the European continent, Belgium becomes the logistics platform for the supply of medical equipment necessary for the nursing staff.

In its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization has chosen Liège airport, alongside seven other airports around the world. For the European continent, Belgium becomes the logistics platform for the supply of medical equipment necessary for the nursing staff.

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AHK Nigeria Newsletter

Dear Partners, Colleagues and Friends,

COVID-19 has taken control of large parts of our daily lives and business.

For all of us to manage this crisis well and to come out stronger, working in partnership is fundamental. We thank you for your trust when sharing your experiences and for your contributions which help us develop suitable response interventions and support activities for you, our partner companies and partner institutions.

We are compiling relevant information on our new microsite and we are happy to give you updates about the impact of COVID-19 on the German economy and companies. Together with you, we facilitate peer exchange, such as our C-level COVID-19 roundtable.

On your behalf, we constantly liaise with German and Nigerian decision-makers. The outcome of our C-level COVID-19 roundtable has been shared with select media outlets. We expanded our collaboration with partner organizations, such as local chambers of commerce, to increase our leverage.

To help further, we are actively supporting companies with their COVID-19 response, e.g. by identifying suppliers and business partners. We are working closely with entrepreneurs who drive innovation, e.g. in our Start-up Roundtable.

We have upgraded our service portfolio to serve you better with many activities moving online, e.g. webinars and trade fairs, and new services available to build business relations remotely. We continue to drive market research and value chain analysis in key growth sectors, such as agribusiness.

In these uncertain times, we seek to strengthen our ties with West Africa, Germany and Europe so that business relations continue to thrive despite the current travel and movement restrictions. We are updating our companies and chambers of commerce in Germany regularly about the situation in Nigeria and the business prospects to be explored.

Now is the time to get ready for the time after COVID-19. The current restrictions are challenging – and a good opportunity to become stronger. Talk to us about your needs, concerns and ideas and we will develop solutions together.

Please click HERE to access the April Issue of our Newsletter

Stay Safe!

Katharina Felgenhauer

Delegate, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria